Thursday, March 11, 2010

Typing 1

My life can be so boring like today.
Wonder why will be like this?
Is it my own problem?
Like get away from others?
I really don’t know or maybe confuse.
I feel like “don’t want” or “don’t like” to chat with others.
Hope they can leave me alone.
Everybody needs alone sometime, just sometime.

Yah at 7 until 7:30 I really enjoy my time.
That’s my alone time, but just today.
In a small unlock room, without switch on the light.
Just get light from outside…though small window
Lie on my own warm bed…hugging few pillow
Just close my eyes, without thinking anything
And let my body relax

At that moment, I think if…
What if I like the girl who name “Alice”, in new movie “Alice in Wonderland”
Fell asleep…
Meet that rabbit…chase it…
Enter forest that I don’t even been there before
Then fall down in a dark small hole…
After this great adventure, can I choose?
Choose to stay?
Stay in there forever...

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